North Area Representative/Tech Advisor: Don Kuss (530) 527-0345
Central Area Representative/TechAdvisor:Louie Perez: (925)672-5671
South Area Representative/TechAdvisor:Rich Romano (714)397-1127
Wayne Stephens
3488 Bello Court
Redding , CA 95128
(530) -515-2216
Jim King
PO Box 628
Lakeside ,OR 97449
(530) 355-7510
Tim & Gina Lonero
(408) 241-8162
Please feel free to contact any one ( or all) of the above people with any questions,concerns, ideas or thoughts you might have.
Your feed back is very important to us,we need to know where we can improve and what we are doing right.
We are here to help in any way we can!
Want to become a member? It's simple just print , fill out the form with your payment and mail it in.